Home remedies for UTIs and yeast infections

Would you rather….

a) Have a UTI

b) Wait in line at the DMV

c) Be in a group text with 10+ people

Tough call, right?

Joking aside, UTIs (urinary tract infections) and vaginal infections suck. They’re also super common and not the highlight reel most women will share on their insta. Roughly 50-60% of women will experience a UTI at least once in her lifetime and 75% will experience a yeast infection (1, 2). Beyond that, millions of females in the U.S. seek gynecologic advice for vaginal infections like bacterial vaginosis every year. YES. MILLIONS. These are common issues.

I want to share deets on what’s happening, give preventative tips and help you build a toolkit with at home remedies for UTIs and yeast infections. This will help you get on top of symptoms ASAP and hopefully avoid the need for antibiotics and copays. Let’s go.

First, UTIs. A UTI is an infection anywhere along the urinary tract including the bladder and kidneys (1).

Symptoms of a UTI can include

  • Pain in groin, bladder, lower abdomen

  • Burning or stinging when urinating

  • Nausea

  • Fatigue

  • Frequent urge to pee

  • Smelly urine

  • Cloudy or bloody urine

If left untreated, a UTI can spread to your kidneys and cause lasting damage so get on top of this stat and if it progresses or doesn’t clear up, call your doc. Typical treatment for a UTI is an antibiotic. If we can avoid that with natural treatment, great but don’t let this worsen and end up with bigger problems. Be smart!

Factors contributing to UTIs

  • Transfer of bacteria from the vaginal or intestinal tract to the urinary tract

  • Sex (once E. coli is abundant in your vaginal flora, it is even easier for the bacteria to reach your urethra during sex).

  • Poor hygiene

  • Poor immune function

  • Use of antibiotics or spermicides

E. coli is the most common bacteria triggering a UTI and this is the reason cranberry juice and D-mannose are commonly discussed as natural remedies. D-mannose is a naturally occurring sugar found in a number of fruits, including apples, blueberries and cranberries. It isn’t absorbed like other sugars but does attach to E. coli bacteria and prevent it from sticking to the walls of the urinary tract (3). That's what we want!! D-mannose plus lots of water will bind and carry the E.coli bacteria so it can be eliminated from the body during urination.

Does cranberry juice work?

It’s difficult to get an effective dose of D-mannose in cranberry juice and most juices are loaded with sugar so cranberry juice alone is not an effective strategy. Additionally, D-mannose is only effective with UTIs caused by an E. coli infection which, fortunately, is the type 90% of the time. Ten percent of people will not benefit from D-mannose. In those cases, biofilm disruptors, anti-fungals and antibacterials are effective along with adding beneficial bacteria. Don’t worry though, the toolkit below will include things for both groups.

Vaginal yeast or bacterial infections

Your vagina has its own little ecosystem! It’s home to specific vagina-friendly bacteria (mostly lactobacillus species) and an imbalance can cause problems like yeast infections or bacterial vaginosis (BV) (4-6).

Your vaginal microbiome is just as important as the environment in the gut. The healthy bacterial communities play a protective role in preventing colonization of potentially pathogenic organisms, including those responsible for bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections, sexually transmitted infections (STI), and UTIs (7). The vaginal microbiome also impacts reproductive health, fertility, miscarriage risk, pre-term delivery and baby’s health as the mother's vaginal microbiota starts seeding the microbiota of baby at birth (or the skin if born via c-section).

On top of that, yeast or bacterial infections are just uncomfortable and annoying. They impact your health, your relationships and your comfort. SO LET’S CHAT.

Symptoms of a yeast infection

  • Itching/discomfort

  • Burning, redness, and swelling of the vagina and the vulva

  • Pain or burning when you pee

  • Pain during sex

  • A thick, white, odorless discharge, similar to cottage cheese

Factors contributing to vaginal infections:

  • Antibiotics

  • Birth control

  • High sugar diet

  • Poor blood sugar balance

  • Gut dysbiosis

  • High alcohol intake

  • Sex and bacteria/yeast transfers

  • Douches

  • Vaginal sprays

  • Low estrogen (menses, menopause or other reasons for low estrogen)\

Prevention of UTIs and vaginal infections

01. Real Food Diet.

  • Nutrient dense foods and balanced blood sugar are foundational. Think CPF+ at each meal to ensure you’re eating nutrient dense food that keeps blood sugar stable. Diet helps maintain a healthy vaginal pH which inhibits overgrown of yeast and bacteria.

02. Fiber, prebiotics, probiotics

03. Hydration

  • You must be able to flush out bacteria. Urinating a major detox pathway. Use it!

04. Urinate after sex

  • To reduce chances of bacteria sticking around if it’s been transferred.

05. Avoid spermicides, lubes and antibiotic use.

  • These will impact your vaginal microbiome. Use oil like olive oil or avocado oil (a new lube is coming soon and I'll share/update this blog when it's available).

If you need to take antibiotics for something and often get UTI’s or yeast infections while on them, consider using items from the toolkit to bump up prevention strategies.

Natural Remedy Toolkits

When it comes to UTIs and vaginal infections, you don’t want to mess around with time because...

a) It’s uncomfortable

b) It’s not healthy to leave these infections untreated

I have the items below in my supplement cabinet and recommend you build this BEFORE you need it. Avoid a delay of treatment because you’re waiting on shipping. Most of these things are not found in a typical grocery store.

I will list typical doses but I want to emphasize that Biocidin can cause die-off reactions so start slow and check with your provider if you have any concerns. Always pair the toolkit with the prevention recommendations. #disclaimer This is not considered medical advice nor does this initiate a patient-provider relationship.

UTI Toolkit

1. D mannose by Pure Encapsulations (orally)

  • Typical effective dose is 500 mg taken every 2-3 hours for five days (or until symptoms are gone and 24 hours after). There are no side effects to D-mannose.

  • Other brands: Protocol for Life caps or Solaray (this one is easier to find at grocery stores when needed asap)

2. Biocidin LSF by Bio Botanical Research (orally).

  • Example dose: 4 pumps 3x/day (go slow)

3. Biocidin Capsules by Bio Botanical Research (vaginally).

  • Example dose:1 capsule as a vaginal suppository 1 to 2x/day

4. Probiotic (taken at least 2 hours apart from other products)

  • MegaSpore by Microbiome Labs (orally) 1-2/day

  • Fem Dophilus by Jarrow Formulas (vaginally) At bedtime, insert one capsule into vagina

Vaginal Infections (Bacterial or Yeast) Toolkit

1. Biocidin LSF by Bio Botanical Research (orally).

  • Example dose: 4 pumps 3x/day (go slow)

2. Biocidin Capsules by Bio Botanical Research (vaginally).

  • Example dose:1 capsule as a vaginal suppository 1 to 2x/day

3. Probiotic (taken at least 2 hours apart from other products)

  • MegaSpore by Microbiome Labs (orally) 1-2/day

  • Fem Dophilus by Jarrow Formulas (vaginally) At bedtime, insert one capsule into vagina

Where to find these products?


You can access the toolkit products with a Fullscript account here under “Women’s Health” favorites section. It’s free to create an account and you’ll receive 10% off each order. Yes, I receive a small percentage but anything I recommend is based on experience & effectiveness (not dollars).

Why these products?

Short answer is, they work and they work quickly.

Long answer: You always want to treat orally first but when you’re dealing with bacteria issues down there, results come faster if you also address the local imbalance.

  • Fem Dophilus is clinically shown to restore the vaginal microbiota and contains lactobacilli strains which dominate the vagina (or should).

  • D-mannose is targeting the e coli bacteria with UTI’s

  • MegaSporebiotic is an effective spore-based probiotic to support gut microbiota.

  • Biocidin is an effective biofilm disruptor, antifungal and antibacterial blend. The botanicals have systemic applications in microbial challenges wherever they occur. Independent laboratory testing has concluded that Biocidin has broad reaching effects, including addressing biofilms.

Share this article with your girlfriends so they can stock their tool kit too. If these infections are chronic for you, you may want to consider further investigation into the root cause(s).


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3749018/

  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6003188/#CR3

  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6346629

  4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3780402/

  5. https://academic.oup.com/cid/article/47/1/44/376651

  6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31517769.

  7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11095812.


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